Quotes by Young Gangsta

Some of the popular quotes by american rapper Young Gangsta or YG. We have also added explanations to some of them and you could find the list in order as well:

“You can’t be stopped, only delayed” – This quote emphasizes the importance of not giving up even in the face of major challenges or setbacks.

“Don’t get it twisted. You play the game, the game don’t play you” – This quote is a reminder to take responsibility for your actions and decisions instead of relying on luck or fate.

“The only limitations are those you place on yourself” – This quote encourages us to push past our own boundaries and strive to be more than we think we can be.

“Life is too short to worry about what others think” – This quote reminds us to stay true to ourselves and focus on our own goals and aspirations, instead of worrying about what other people think.

“Never forget where you come from, but also never let it define you” – This quote speaks to the importance of connecting with our roots and heritage, while also being open to change and exploration.

“Real recognize real. Fake run for the hills” – This quote speaks to the idea of authenticity and staying true to oneself.

“Don’t be afraid of greatness, some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them” – This quote encourages us to not fear greatness, as it can come from many sources.

“Success has no shortcuts or magic formulas. Hard work and dedication are the keys” – This quote reminds us that success requires hard work and determination.

“You have to grind hard, ball hard and hustle even harder” – This quote speaks to the importance of putting in the extra effort to reach our goals.

“Stay humble, stay true” – This quote emphasizes the importance of staying grounded and authentic, no matter how far we may progress in life.

#1 Don’t be afraid of greatness, some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.

#2 Real recognize real. Fake run for the hills.

#3 You can’t be stopped, only delayed.

#4 The only limitations are those you place on yourself.

#5 Success has no shortcuts or magic formulas. Hard work and dedication are the keys.

#6 Stay humble, stay true.

#7 Don’t get it twisted. You play the game, the game don’t play you.

#8 Life is too short to worry about what others think.

#9 Never forget where you come from, but also never let it define you.

#10 You have to grind hard, ball hard and hustle even harder.

Read YG’s Biography