Quotes By Lamar Jackson

Lamar Jackson is one of the most exciting young players in the NFL today in 2024. The reigning MVP is a dual-threat quarterback who can beat teams with his arm and his legs. He’s become one of the league’s most dangerous players, and he’s only getting better.

Here are seven quotes by Lamar Jackson:

1. “Knowing my mistakes and being able to go back to fix them – that helps me out a lot.”
2. “My teammates have my back; I have theirs.”
3. “I want to be great.”
4. “Be happy.”
5. “Desperate courage makes One a majority.”
6. “I was born for the storm, and a calm does not suit me.”
7. “When you have something good, you don’t play with it. You don’t take chances losing it. You don’t neglect it. When you have something good, you pour into it.”

Lamar Jackson Biography