Quotes by Don Jazzy

Michael Collins Ajereh, popularly known as Don Jazzy, is a Nigerian record producer, singer, and entrepreneur and also much more than that someone who is known for many things. With over two decades in the music industry, he has become a household name in Nigeria and beyond. Don Jazzy is also known for his wit and humor, which are reflected in his quotes. In this article, we will take a look at some of Don Jazzy’s most popular quotes in descending order:

#15 Success is not by age, it’s by mentality and hard work

#14 You can’t please everybody. Focus on your fans, and the rest will follow

#13 The only way to do great work is to love what you do

#12 Money cannot buy talent, it only enhances it

#11 Stay true to yourself and never compromise your values for anyone

#10 It’s not about being the best, it’s about being better than you were yesterday

#9 Dreams don’t work unless you do

#8 Believe in yourself, and the rest will fall into place

#7 Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts

#6 Be persistent and consistent, and success will follow

#5 Talent is not enough, you need to work hard and be disciplined

#4 Don’t be afraid to fail, because failure is just a step towards success

#3 Don’t wait for opportunities, create them

#2 Success is not about the destination, it’s about the journey

#1 Success is not about how much money you have, it’s about how many lives you have touched

Don Jazzy’s quotes are a reflection of his philosophy on life and success. His words inspire and motivate people to pursue their dreams and never give up. These quotes remind us that success is not just about money or fame but about the impact we make on the world. As Don Jazzy continues to inspire and impact people’s lives, his words will continue to live on.

Don Jazzy Biography