Popular Quotes By Esha Gupta

Esha Gupta is a very hard-working bollywood actress and model. She has been in the industry for the last 10 years. Since her debut she has been cast in many successful movies. Here are some of the most popular quotes by Esha Gupta.

One of the most popular quotes attributed to Esha Gupta is

“Success is the result of hard work and dedication, not luck.”

This quote speaks to the importance of putting in the effort and dedicating oneself to achieving a goal. It’s a reminder to never give up, as success can be achieved with consistent effort. Another popular quote from Esha Gupta is 

“Life is what you make of it – make it count.”

This quote encourages individuals to take initiative and create something meaningful out of their lives, versus just going through the motions. 

Another popular quote by Esha Gupta is

“Keep going and never give up.”

This quote speaks to Esha’s determination and perseverance in the face of challenges and obstacles. Her inspiring message to never give up no matter what is sure to motivate many people.

Here are 10 most famous quotes by bollywood actress Esha Gupta

  1. “Life is too short to be living somebody else’s dream.” – Esha Gupta

  2. “The real beauty lies in the soul, so never forget that.” – Esha Gupta

  3. “Be the best version of yourself and everything will be alright.” – Esha Gupta

  4. “You have to be fearless in life and go for what you want.” – Esha Gupta

  5. “Sometimes it takes a few failures to get closer to success.” – Esha Gupta

  6. “Don’t let anyone define who you are and what you can do.” – Esha Gupta

  7. “It’s ok to make mistakes, the key is to learn from them.” – Esha Gupta

  8. “Dreams don’t work unless you do.” – Esha Gupta

  9. “Be strong enough to accept the challenges and wise enough to choose the right ones.” – Esha Gupta

  10. “Success comes from hard work and dedication.” – Esha Gupta